Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Moved in and settling

This one will be quick as I've got a lot I need to do today. The POD is unloaded and gone. All the furniture is in place. Whether it's in it's final resting place only time will tell but most of it probably is. We didn't really over stuff this house with 'stuff' too bad but we did have enough that there are not a whole lot of sensible ways to arrange the furniture. About half of the stuff that Connie wants hung on the walls is up now. All the boxes except about eight with some of my stuff are unpacked. Mostly I have too much 'stuff' I know roughly what is in those boxes that have not been unpacked and most of it I either really don't need or don't need except in special circumstances. No doubt I'll keep most if not all of it anyway....sigh...I said I wasn't going to do that and to a big extent I haven't really. We threw a LOT out rather than move it and then threw a bit more out AFTER we moved it. LOL I know that's not the right way to do it but at least we got rid of some more clutter. Hopefully is is the LAST move. I know some people, military families in particular, move a lot and we've moved our fair share of times but I'm tired of it. I want this to be IT.

On another front poker shows signs of picking back up. It was just horrible from before Thanksgiving through Christmas. Not so much that it was going badly for me, more that it wasn't going period. There were simply few if any games and they were just not worth playing. I love to play but I'm not going to play in a game that I know I can't make enough to at least best the rake and come out even. I'm not looking to get rich but I'm not going to go to the casino just to feed the casino which is what those games were amounting to since it was difficult if not impossible to make any money in them.

This past weekend Connie and I both went and found games to our liking. She in the smallest they had, a 3/6 and me in a slighly larger 4/8 game. I was getting mediocre cards at best but the table was pretty good so I stuck it out even through a period of having to play extremely short handed. Normally I will not play 5 handed 4/8 because the blinds come so fast that it's too highly variable. I'm glad I stuck it out because I came out of a shortish three hour session with a nice profit. In her smaller game Connie out earned me by tripling my meager profit. She had one of those rare session where the deck just hits you over the head and the other players just refuse to believe you have a good hand. Makes it very easy to make money when that happens. I'm tickled because when she does well she is willing to go back again. A bad session would have her sulking for a month :) (she reads this so I'm probably going to pay for that but it's TRUE!). Now that things are settling down I should be playing more. The WSOP tournament circuit is in town, starting today at Harrah's (formerly The Grand). That should mean that there will be more and softer games available for the choosing for the next couple of weeks. I hope so.

Time to get back to work now...well it's got to be done.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Glad to see your getting settled!